Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Kuskokwim 300 and Bogus Creek 150

So this last weekend was a big one for the Delta... Bethel hosted 3 big dogsled races; the Kuskokwim 300, the Bogus Creek 150, and the Akiak Dash. We had great weather Friday for the start. I went down to the river early to help, and was lucky enough to be able to help at the start (you can see me in the red jacket in the pic at left). This really is a great race, and many of the Iditarod racers come here to continue their training. The whole town was involved one way or another, and it was great fun. Amy came down with friends and the boys to see the starts and for the fireworks later. The hovercraft floated in and gave out free hotdogs to everyone! See the video link on YouTube for a short and silly video of the start of the BC 150. The only problem was the weather really got bad later in the weekend, it turned very warm and very windy, and most of our beautiful snow melted away. We went to the awards banquet last night and listened to lots of war stories about dogs swimming in the overflow on the river and the trail markers floating downstream. Those guys and gals are damn tough, let me tell you. As of this morning there were still one or two teams still out on the trail, and I don't know how many snow-machines in the river. Welcome to Bethel weather! Click on the link below to see the dogs!!

1 comment:

Keri said...

I really enjoyed the video! For some reason, I automatically assumed that most people use huskies as sled dogs. I couldn't believe that labs were racing too! Does this mean that your Max has a potential to become a sled dog with all that energy he has? ;) It was really funny to see the dogs jumping up and down-my dogs will definitely do that. =D Stay warm!
